Saturday, October 20, 2007

我哭了, I cry..

好久没哭了. 哭,对许多男生来说, 是意见羞耻的事. 哭, 对我来说, 是一个抒发情绪的方法. 今天, 我哭了..!

就如每个学期一样, 学子们都要从网上查阅自己在上个学期的考试成绩. 我也不列外. 从中学到大学先修班, 我的成绩一向来都低空飞过或满江红. 自从上了大专, 自己也懂得想了. 知道改好好努力念书, 不应该辜负父母对我的期盼. 所以, 从来都不曾在学远考试中不及格, 最差, 也只是低空飞过.

今早, 从学校载了janice回到家后, 就急着要看看自己的成绩考到怎么样. 当我登如学院考试网页的时候, 看一看是自己的名字, 在看一看自己的成绩..不好了...从来都没有过这样子. 怎么会这样? 虽然有预测过自己会不及格可是就是没想到是这两个科目. 刹那间, 我不知所措, 怎么会酱? 眼泪就从这个时候开始不停的流下来.

我开始埋怨; 我对我自己非常的失望; 我开始觉得非常对不起父母亲;眼泪不停的流. 身边人虽然给了无数的劝告, 鼓励, 安慰, 可是我还是很自责. 再想到这个学期需要考5个科目还加上2个从考, 我更想哭了....

眼泪始终没停过...伤心,失望依然还在. 我知道妳依然会在我身边支持我鼓励我, 而我也知道袮不会就着样的离开我, 不理我. 你们俩, 是我明天的力量...我爱你们.


Friday, October 19, 2007

sTraNgeR, 陌生人

人生中很多时候我们不时都会遇到陌生人.而陌生的人的定义有时什么呢?对我来说,我所不认识的, 不曾见过的都是我所谓的陌生人. 可是,这个定义对每个人来说, 可以是不同的. 对一些人来说, 好朋友也可以转换成陌生人.

在这里告诉你们一个小小故事吧! 小生有一帮的好朋友. 自从小生进入大专生涯的时候,小生就和他们开始打交道了. 无论去到哪里, 小生总是和他们一起.喝茶, 看戏, 唱k, 逛街都少不了小生的影子.大家总是有说有笑.

当大专生涯进入第二学期时, 小生就交了女朋友.当然, 小生也把更多的时间投入感情世界里. 这是人之常情嘛..!可是在同一时间, 小生发觉到, 身边的好朋友们开始渐渐的离开他了.渐渐的, 看戏, 喝茶, 逛街都开始少了小生. 好像就开始变成sTraNgeR了. 可是, 小生从来都不曾想过要离开这帮好友.小生觉得好不开心. 他真得不知道他到底作错了什么导致渐渐失去这帮好友. 到底为什么小生和这帮好友们渐行渐远呢? 你们有意见吗?


Sunday, October 7, 2007


最近还蛮闲的,时常上网走走看看。今天无意间让我看到了一个很久没联络的朋友。eh....还从她的friendster comment 那里发觉到她和一位男生正在开始着一段不寻常的关系噢。。好暧昧噢。。呵呵。。。写到这里,就想到想当年自己在踏入恋情前的一段时间。但也没这么“光明正大”啦。。哈哈。。


其实这些都和我无关。。那我又提这些来干吗呢?呵呵。。那女的在男的commeent 里写到 



Wow...when listen to this name, u will get it automatically to APPLE. ya, u are right. It is a APPLE product. How many of you actually really know about Mac? It is a computer? erm..not really. haha...

Do not be confuse, Mac is a operating system for APPLE computer. There are 3 main computer operating system in this world, Mac, Linux and Window. I believe tat most of you are using Window as your computer operating system. Is it good? i have no comment about it. I m a Mac system user, and i also use Window sometimes. So i can really do some comparison between Mac and Window.

I always get my friends complaint who using Window system that a lot of wiruses attacking their computer. Window User, do you agree that? VIrus is never appear in my Mac. there is no any anti virus software in my Macbook. No spyware, no virus.

Some of them said tat, Mac is not friendly to use. Are you sure? Let us talk about software installation in Mac and Window. when we install a software, let say firefox. In window, we need to click a lot of button and wait for the instalation process. But how about in Mac system? You can just drag ur Firefox icon from installer to your prefer destination. It is ready to use. No need wait for any other process.

It just part of it only. Mac is a great operating system. you can actually get Mac advertisement from here :

anyway, Enjoy Mac...... :P

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Blog? How many of you started to blogging? How to blog? is just a very easy job. there is alot of places fofr you to learn how to blog. friendster, blogspot, windows live spaces...these are all the places for you to post your lovely blog. But how many of you know that, by using blog, you can really earn money? it work? erm...i still not really sure. but, it really have alot of earn money cases by posting blog around us. this is the age of technology, just type and post, u can earn money..haha...i amd tying to do so. U dare to try? Anyway, this is a new place for me. and i trying to do the best for everyone of you who reading on my support ya...c ya.. :P